Sitekeepers - Webmaster's blog

Thursday, September 08, 2005

AdSense Reporting Down On Thursday

Speaking to AdSense publishers at face-to-face events and in reading emails and forums, we on the AdSense team have seen a phenomenon develop that's probably best described as G.A.S.S. - Google AdSense Stats Syndrome. The primary sign of affliction is the compulsive need to check AdSense stats every 15 minutes or so to see how much you've earned since your prior login. Sufferers face strong withdrawal when separated from a PC with Internet access and have been known to experience mild abdominal discomfort and general irritability.

So for you G.A.S.S. sufferers, we will offer a bit of temporary summer relief this Thursday. For some scheduled maintenance, our reports will not be (visibly) updated for around 6 hours beginning at 12 noon PST (GMT -8 for you international folks). Your earnings will of course be unaffected, but you won't see any change in stats during this time as we work to improve the AdSense system.

Please enjoy the day and rest assured that things will be back to normal as soon as possible.

Posted by Rob - AdSense Product Marketing

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