Upcoming adCenter Traffic Increase
Good news from adCenter pilot world - we're ready to increase traffic to adCenter campaigns. We've reached an important milestone with our most recent upgrade and, by popular request from our advertisers, we'll be increasing traffic by approximately 70% from our current levels.
"Advertisers should see a significant and delectable increase in traffic," according to Jed Nahum, Director, adCenter Product Management.
For those of you who are pilot advertisers, this means that your budget may be impacted due to the increase. Also, as more traffic is directed to adCenter, you should expect a decrease in traffic from your Yahoo! Search campaigns. As we move toward launch, I'll continue to post here about the size and timing of additional traffic increases.
The current traffic increase is scheduled to begin on Monday February 27th. Pilot advertisers should begin to see an impact on Tuesday February 28th, however, it may take several days to perform the increase.
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